Santa speaks from over the Atlantic Ocean; on his way to Kirkland

6 p.m.

This is the transmission from Santa via a phone call we received two minutes ago from somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.

Visiting Donner’s family set us back a bit but we were able to use the wind to our advantage over the Atlantic Ocean and almost caught back up. I don’t mind spending a few more minutes with Donner’s family or any one of the reindeer’s families because that is what the holiday is all about, being with family. We are just about to arrive in Buenos Aires and we will start to make our way back north. Mrs. Claus phoned to see how we are and let me know that preparations for our trip to Tahiti are coming along nicely (I took off my red suit for the time being and put on some shorts and sandals to get ready for the heat wave). We decided to take some of the elves with us this year as they did an extremely good job of packing the sleigh and preparing our route. Well, I must be going, still making up some time but we should be okay.

Santa out