Longtime Finn Hill group becomes a City of Kirkland-recognized neighborhood association

The Denny Creek Neighborhood Alliance (DCNA) has changed its name to the Finn Hill Neighborhood Alliance (FHNA) and will act as a direct liaison with the City of Kirkland, following votes of its members and Finn Hill residents on Nov. 30.

The Denny Creek Neighborhood Alliance (DCNA) has changed its name to the Finn Hill Neighborhood Alliance (FHNA) and will act as a direct liaison with the City of Kirkland, following votes of its members and Finn Hill residents on Nov. 30.

During a general meeting held at Finn Hill Junior High, DCNA members voted to approve a change to its bylaws identifying all residents within the Finn Hill borders as members of FHNA.

The organization’s mission statement was broadened and five new people were elected to its Board of Directors.

DCNA, incorporated as a non-profit group in 1996 to “preserve, protect, and restore the natural resources of the area and promote stewardship of wildlife and the environment,” has led efforts to restore Denny Creek, helped draft King County ordinances protecting mature trees and native vegetation, raised funds to help purchase a 40-acre parcel of land known as Juanita Woodlands, and produced a detailed study of watershed issues.

The revised mission statement maintains the organization’s strong environmental emphasis, while adding that FHNA will “promote the welfare of the Finn Hill community by engaging in civic issues.”

The city works closely with neighborhood groups to communicate with residents regarding issues and concerns. Neighborhood associations are non-profit organizations that are legally independent of the city, though they do receive some grant money from the city to use for projects and communications.

Following approval of the bylaw amendments, meeting attendees – numbering more than 100 – endorsed the organization’s evolution to be a neighborhood association and elected new board members. Joining the current 12-member board will be Ted Marx, Jon Pascal, Mathew Pruitt, Kathy Schuler and Connie Winter.

“Finn Hill residents feel strongly that their neighborhood is uniquely blessed with parks, creeks, and green spaces, which they are committed to preserve,” said FHNA Board President Scott Morris. “We look forward to maintaining and building on that commitment while addressing other civic issues that are important to the neighborhood’s welfare, including such matters as transportation, public safety, and land use.”

More information about FHNA will be posted at its website. The current URL is www.dennycreek.org; in coming weeks, a new web address consistent with the Finn Hill Neighborhood Alliance name will be adopted: www.finnhillalliance.org.