Max Earl scores with Kangs.
Eastside Catholic beats Kangs in first round.
Checking in with senior captain Bacher.
Kangs notch first football playoff victory since 2003.
Juanita’s volleyball squad qualified for districts with a 3-0 win over Mercer Island in the 3A KingCo tournament on Nov….
Kangs earn 2A/3A KingCo title.
Lake Washington High athletes notch state times.
Lake Washington won its first game of the season and handed Mercer Island its first loss on Friday night in…
Tons of tackles for Lake Washington Kangs
Liberty defeated Juanita, 28-7, and Bellevue beat Lake Washington, 7-0, in 2A/3A KingCo football action on Friday night.
Dierickx earns conference defensive award
Rebels off to a hot start
Bailey takes first for Kangs at Marymoor.
Kang senior and partner Suko won 3A state doubles tourney last season
Both squads sport new coaches this season
Locals won’t stop until the final whistle is blown.
Rebels kick off season versus Ballard.
Arena begins his second year as head coach.
Locals lose to Central squad.
Locals to play in quarterfinals on Monday