Lake Washington soccer edges Mercer Island, loses to Saints last week | Prep notebook

Girls Soccer

Lake Washington soccer edges Mercer Island, loses to Saints last week

The Lake Washington girls soccer team started the season with a decisive win at Mercer Island on Sept. 14. Mercer Island was ranked ninth in the state, but the Kangs dominated possession out of the gate. The Kangs’ first goal came in the 32nd minute, when Jessie Zogg lofted a beautiful cross into the box and Jordan Masters headed it in. The Kangs scored again in the 73rd minute. The goal was initiated by a cross from Tori Varyu to Masters, who was fouled in the box. Emma Holm took the penalty kick, directing the ball low into the corner of the net. The Islanders fought hard to get on the scoreboard, taking multiple shots in the second half, but Lake Washington keeper Noelle Pingree was on her game and the Islanders remained scoreless for a 2-0 finish to the game.

Days later the Kangs hosted Interlake in the first home game of the season, but fell 4-3. The Saints earned goals in the 25 and 36 minute marks, before Lake Washington answered with two to tie the game. In the 38 minute Kennedy Nicholson passed the ball to Jordan Masters who flicked a header to Emma Holm, who buried the ball in the center of the net. Just a minute later the Kangs earned a corner kick. Cassie Lively served the ball into the box, where Aurora Charouhas trapped it and quickly passed it to Amy Johnson, who slammed it high into the corner. The Kangs pulled ahead in the 56 minute on a goal that began with a free kick by Charouhas which was picked up by Lively and finished off by Jessie Zogg. Despite a fierce battle, the Kangs were unable to hold their lead, giving up goals in the 60 minute and the 65 minute.

Lake Washington is 1-1 in conference play and 1-3 overall.

Juanita soccer falls to Mercer Island, beats Sammamish to split week

The Juanita Rebels girls soccer team early a conference win over Sammamish last week, beating the Totems 4-1.

The Rebels scored early with a goal from Ashland Bernard, assisted by Tori Lee in the 13 minute. The Totems held off any more scoring advances until Karissa Radke broke through off an assist from Haili Adams in the 39 minute. Radke hit her target again shortly after half time for an unassisted goal, while Lee made her own goal during the 75 minute. Sammamish’s Sam Tobin scored the team’s lone goal off Kylie Alison during the 77 minute of the game.

Last Thursday the team traveled to Mercer Island, looking for a second win that week. Unfortunately it wasn’t in the cards for the Rebels after the Islanders scored in overtime for the 2-1 win.

The game was a stalemate until the 60 minute, when Mercer Island’s Celina Solomon scored an unassisted goal. Juanita’s Adams followed in the 75 minute to tie the game of an assist from Karissa Radke. But it was Lauren Frank’s unassisted goal just moments after the overtime period started which lifted the Islanders to the win.

Juanita is 1-1 this season in league play and 2-2 overall.

Boys golf

Tuesday, Sept. 14 at Wayne Golf Course (par 34)

Juanita 194, Sammamish 188

1, Frank Garber, Juanita, 34 strokes; 2, Patrick Raschko, Sammamish, 35; 3, (tie) Colten Kleis, Juanita, Connor Hood and Riley Brooks, Sammamish, 37.