Neighborhood group opposes using Big Finn Hill Park for new fire station in Kirkland

A long-time community neighborhood group in one of the areas slated for annexation by the City of Kirkland in June has come out in opposition to the proposed location of a new fire station.

A long-time community neighborhood group in one of the areas slated for annexation by the City of Kirkland in June has come out in opposition to the proposed location of a new fire station.

The Denny Creek Neighborhood Alliance (DCNA) voted to express its opposition to the proposed location of a new fire station on Finn Hill during its monthly board meeting Tuesday.

DCNA, with a longstanding mission to preserve, protect, and restore the natural resources of the area and promote stewardship of wildlife and the environment, is a non-profit representing Finn Hill residents since 1993.

A majority of board members, after considering objections voiced by long-time supporters in attendance at the meeting, agreed that the location of a proposed new fire station in an area of Big Finn Hill Park west of Juanita Drive undermines goals that are critically important to the community.

The new fire station has been proposed by Fire District No. 41 to replace and consolidate two other existing fire stations on Finn Hill. The acreage designated for the building is in existing King County park land used daily by hikers and bikers. The sight of a backhoe Feb. 15 in the park to retrieve soil samples raised concerns among many residents, who’ve heard little if any details on the proposal or the rationale for its siting.

The DCNA Board will be contacting the Fire District, City of Kirkland, and King County to discuss its concerns. It will also be expressing those concerns at a related March 8 public open house scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Kirkland Stake Center (Mormon Church) at the corner of Juanita Drive and NE 132nd. The board encourages the community to learn more and participate. More information will be shared by DCNA on its Web site at