Mission trip church fundraiser Feb. 28

Kirkland Church of the Nazarene is holding an apple harvest fundraising event from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 at the church, located at 232 Fifth Avenue South in Kirkland. Proceeds will fund the Youth Group’s outreach trip to Romania to work in a local orphanage and serve children this summer.

Kirkland Church of the Nazarene is holding an apple harvest fundraising event from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 at the church, located at 232 Fifth Avenue South in Kirkland. Proceeds will fund the Youth Group’s outreach trip to Romania to work in a local orphanage and serve children this summer.

Washington grown apples will be available in the church parking lot for purchase or pick-up. The apples will arrive from Yakima on Saturday and will be kept refrigerated until buyers take them home.

Each box has 20 pounds of apples and sells for $25. Preordered boxes include 5 pounds of red delicious and 5 pounds of yellow delicious. The other 10 pounds can be Braeburn, Gala or Fuji. Order and pay in advance for best selection. To preorder contact: Linda at lindam.jamieson@yahoo.com