Man arrested after threatening house full of people with AR-15 | Kirkland Police Blotter

The blotter feature is both a description of a small selection of police incidents and a statistical round-up of all calls to the Kirkland Police Department that are dispatched to on-duty police officers. The Kirkland Reporter police blotter is not intended to be representative of all police calls originating in Kirkland, which average about 1,000 per week.

The blotter feature is both a description of a small selection of police incidents and a statistical round-up of all calls to the Kirkland Police Department that are dispatched to on-duty police officers. The Kirkland Reporter police blotter is not intended to be representative of all police calls originating in Kirkland, which average about 1,000 per week.

Between March 17-23, there were 395 traffic incidents, 21 traffic accidents, two DUIs, 26 general traffic incidents, 41 alarm calls, five abandoned vehicles, four burglaries, 17 incidents of fraud, 12 civil incidents, five cases of harassment, 13 thefts, five vehicle prowls, eight vehicle thefts, 14 warrants served, 12 noise complaints, six animal calls, 16 incidents of domestic violence, 12 disturbances and three sex offenses.

March 17

Warrant arrest: 7:29 p.m., 200 block of Central Way; A 29-year-old male was stopped on traffic after a NCIC/WACIC hit showed him with a felony warrant. The warrant out of Greene County, Mich. was confirmed and was full extradition. He was booked into KCJ.

Assault: 10:56 p.m., 9700 block of NE 120th Pl.; A 27-year-old male was arrested for Assault in the 4th degree DV after he hit his boyfriend and chased him when he attempted to get away while in front of the Juanita Pub.

March 18

Robbery: 9:41 p.m., 12200 block of NE 120th Ave.; A 31-year-old male was arrested for Robbery 1 after he pulled a knife on the manager of Fred Meyer while trying to leave the store with stolen merchandise.

Weapons violation: 10:15 p.m., 11000 block of NE 128th St.; A 21-year-old male displayed a handgun at a group of juveniles outside his apartment after feeling they were being threatening towards him and his father. The male was contacted and detained, and the firearm was recovered. The male was arrested for brandishing.

March 19

Harassment: 12:07 a.m., 13100 block of NE 143rd St.; A 31-year-old male was arrested and booked into King County Jail following reports he had threatened to get his AR-15 and shoot everyone in the house. He had a .390 BAC on a preliminary breath test.

Domestic: 12:58 a.m., 13000 block of NE Juanita Dr.; A 43-year-old female was placed under arrest after assaulting her boyfriend, a 51-year-old male. The argument was over the female’s intoxication level and her wanting to drive.

Assault: 11:20 p.m., 11500 block of NE 124th Ave.; A 39-year-old male and 26-year-old male were arrested for assault in the 4th degree after engaging in an argument which started inside DUB PUB. The victims attempted to leave in a group on the party bus they had hired. The arrestees followed the victims outside the pub and engaged in a physical fight once outside the pub.

March 20

Domestic: 8:50 p.m., 12700 block of NE 116th Ln.; A 33-year-old male was arrested on his outstanding warrant after he was contacted during an investigation into a verbal domestic dispute with his girlfriend.