Kirkland students make a difference in Belize

Fifty-four juniors and seniors from Puget Sound Adventist Academy set off for a 12-day mission trip to Belize in November. While there the students built a three classroom school building for the Bullet Tree School.

Fifty-four juniors and seniors from Puget Sound Adventist Academy set off for a 12-day mission trip to Belize in November. While there the students built a three classroom school building for the Bullet Tree School.

The Bullet Tree School is an elementary school located in the city of San Ignesio. The students that attend this school are extremely poor and most families can’t afford the tuition (which is a necessity since there are no public schools in Belize).

While building the school, PSAA students fell in love with the Belizean children. They were so appreciative for the attention their school was receiving. After getting to know the students and teachers of Bullet Tree, PSAA students learned that the cost of tuition is only $2.50 (U.S. dollars) a month per family.

Kirkland students realized how easy it would be to raise tuition money for the families of Bullet Tree. The first step was just emptying their pockets, and before they even left Belize they had raised more than $300.

However, they felt that they could still do more, so they brought back what they had learned to their families, teachers, and the other students.

By the end of January they had raised more than $800 for the scholarship fund they had started. That’s enough to pay for 30 families to send their children to school.

Students enjoyed helping the people of Belize. It was a gratifying experience to work for those who desperately need the help. The students and staff learned to appreciate the life we are able to enjoy here at home in the U.S.

This trip inspired the students and staff to get involved in service projects in the Seattle area as well. It’s like Emily Dickinson said, “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; if I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.”

Kira Nash and Rachel Peterson are Puget Sound Adventist Academy seniors.