Kirkland Police Blotter | Man claims to be a woman and God, arrested on no-bail warrant

The blotter feature is both a description of a small selection of police incidents and a statistical round-up of all calls to the Kirkland Police Department that are dispatched to on-duty police officers. The Kirkland Reporter Police Blotter is not intended to be representative of all police calls originating in Kirkland, which average about 800 per week.

Between August 5-12, the Kirkland Police Department reported 407 traffic violations (four DUIs), 22 traffic accidents, 29 noise complaints, four car prowls, 22 alarm calls, 16 thefts, one assault, nine harassment call, nine domestic violence calls, four animal control calls, four car thefts, seven burglary calls, 18 disturbance calls, 10 calls for malicious mischief and six acts of fraud. At least 37 people were arrested.

August 12

Warrant arrest: 1:54 a.m., 300 Central Way. A 24-year-old Seattle man was contacted after he failed to pay his $20 cab fare. Upon contact the man decided to pay the fee which got him out of the theft arrest, however he did have a $10,000 DUI warrant out of Seattle and was arrested.

August 11

DUI: 11:52 p.m., 11800 N.E. 75th Street. A 19-year-old Bothell woman drove her car into a ditch and was later arrested for DUI.

Disturbance: 2:02 a.m., 11800 block of 98th Ave. N.E. A disturbance was reported to the Kirkland Police Department outside of Bishops, which began when an intoxicated 27-year-old Seattle man was removed from the bar. During the investigation an associated female was arrested on a warrant for driving with a suspended license. The Seattle man was sent on his way but recontacted by the KPD a short time later and arrested for disorderly conduct.

August 9

Warrant arrest: 9:52 a.m., 900 block of Sixth Street. A 24-year-old Everett man was contacted after he was found sleeping in front of the Edward Jones Office by an employee. The man claimed to be God and stated that he had just changed himself into a female. The man had a felony no-bail warrant for escape along with a warrant out of Lakewood for exposing himself. The man was taken into custody without incident. His most recent felony convictions included robbery and assault.

August 8

Assault: 7:33 p.m., N.E. 64th Street. An independent witness reported a physical disturbance of a 24-year-old Redmond man grabbing a 22-year-old Kirkland female. The man was arrested for fourth-degree assault.

August 7

Minor, liquor violation: 12:20 a.m., 25 Lakeshore Plaza. A 19-year-old Snohomish man was observed stumbling around Lake Shore Plaza. Upon contact he admitted to being intoxicated and was subsequently arrested.

Warrant arrest: 1:15 a.m., 9900 block of N.E. 126th Street. A 25-year-old Kirkland man was found hiding in a closet during a response to a disturbance call. The man was arrested on his driving with a suspended license warrant. The disturbance was caused by the five children who were running around and making noise.

August 6

Minor, liquor violation: 12:07 a.m., 100 Lake Street. A 20-year-old Seattle man was contacted outside the Lake Street Grill by an officer with alcohol on his breath. The man had attempted to sneak into the club but was escorted out. When asked by the officer how old he was the man said 19 but was later found to be 20 and arrested for minor in consumption.

DUI: 11:46 p.m., 100 10th Ave. South. A man was pulled over for have a broken headlight and was found to have alcohol on his breath. The man refused to take a blood-alcohol test but was later found to have a blood-alcohol content of .119 and was arrested.