City of Kirkland offers business news e-bulletin

The city of Kirkland is pleased to announce “Kirkland Biz News,” an electronic newsletter that features current news and information important to Kirkland-based businesses and those considering locating in the city.

The city of Kirkland is pleased to announce “Kirkland Biz News,” an electronic newsletter that features current news and information important to Kirkland-based businesses and those considering locating in the city. To subscribe to receive updates via email, go to  Monthly updates will be distributed to subscribers and will include useful updates about new and existing businesses, city-sponsored business-related events, city project updates, and city legislative actions that affect businesses.

The first edition is posted online and features the latest city honors, highlights Google, Skymania, and Nion, and includes an invitation to participate in the Nov. 10 Totem Lake Conversation, Nov. 12 Comprehensive Plan Open House and Nov. 29 Small Business Saturday. It also includes updates on the Northeast 85th Street Corridor Improvement Project and the Northeast 120th Street Roadway Extension Project.

Suggested topics for upcoming editions can be sent to Marie Jensen, Communications Program Manager at