Why did Summerfest allow religious recruitment? | Letter

I'm so happy to live in Kirkland. I fled radical Islamic oppression in my home country and I am proud to call Kirkland my home since 10 years.

I’m so happy to live in Kirkland. I fled radical Islamic oppression in my home country and I am proud to call Kirkland my home since 10 years.

My mum came over three years ago to visit and this summer again. I never felt intimidated again living in Kirkland. However, I noticed more and more muslim people with clearly Islamic symbols in Kirkland downtown during the past two years. I’m not talking about the Imam center, which never bothered me, but more and more women with full head scarf and then at the happy Kirkland Summerfest; even three women trying to convince me to convert to Islam in a booth and talking to my kids how they should convert to Islam.

My mum visiting noticed the difference versus three years a go as well and was shocked. Please, let me know why any religion, but especially Islamic women, would be allowed to pursue such an agenda at the Summerfest and how come we see such an influx of clearly more conservative Islamic people to beautiful, liberal and free Kirkland.

Ayaan Hirsi, Kirkland