McCleary case, an open letter to Sen. Andy Hill and Rep. Larry Springer | Letter

I would support raising the sales tax one cent with all generated revenue going directly to public schools, reducing school property taxes and eliminating levies.

Hi Andy and Larry,

I would support raising the sales tax one cent with all generated revenue going directly to public schools, reducing school property taxes and eliminating levies.

In addition, I would love to see a few districts experiment with a two half school year, whereby near the end of the 90 day first session, an exit exam is given covering the 180 day grade level. Those students that pass at 90 percent or more would be moved to the next grade level in the next half of the school year. In essence, there would be a longer winter break and a shorter summer break, and a chance for some students to move through the school system faster.

Washington needs better schools because Washington is a very technology oriented state.

With the Washington State Supreme Court ruling, politically, it will be much easier to raise the sales tax for schools. The legislature had no trouble raising gas taxes 11 cents for Bertha to benefit a few land developers and contractors in Seattle; surely you legislators have the courage to pump up public education in Washington state.

Dave Condon, Kirkland