Thou shalt not kill | Letter

I can't believe when, I hear the news on the radio or watch the news on TV, there is at least one story about a killing by firearms.

I can’t believe when, I hear the news on the radio or watch the news on TV, there is at least one story about a killing by firearms.

I also can’t believe there are organizations that don’t demand that all persons who want to buy a firearm shouldn’t have a background check if they want to buy a firearm at a gun show online, and that forearms should be registered by serial numbers.

Yes, I agree that everyone has the Constitutional right to bare arms; but I also agree that everyone has the Constitutional right to be able to walk down the street and not to be afraid of a drive-by-shooting or drive down the street or drive down the freeway and to be shot at because of road rage. Or when working at their job, not to be afraid of an ex-employee from entering the work place and kill their ex co-worker or being a parent and sending their children to school, being afraid that someone will enter the school, from college to grammar school, and start shooting. Or going to a store and always looking around to make sure that someone is not in the store to rob it and if anyone gets in their way or says anything they will kill them. Or someone leaving a bar or restaurant and someone is drunk and starts a fight and then pulls out a gun and starts shooting. As you know there are so many examples I could state but I think you got the message.

I believe in the Second Amendment and also I believe, even more, in the Ten Commandments – especially thou shalt not kill.

Mel Aznoff, Kirkland