Taken to the Dump by City of Kirkland

Kirkland Households! Last April 22, Waste Management trucks did not roll. It was a strike day. Still, 20 percent of Kirkland households – those with Thursday collection – were rolled by being billed for non-service.

What is especially foul is that Kirkland City Government works for Waste Management. Indeed, the city’s administration did contortions interpreting the city’s waste contract as “volume based.” Now, imagine a car wash that pockets your money, gives no immediate service but argues to remove double the dirt next time.

Whining and dining may account for Kirkland City’s coziness with Waste Management; that would be a practice worthy of discard. However, the over-flowing canister remains Waste Management’s and its poor labor relations.

As contrived, Kirkland households subsidize Waste Management – regardless of service. Waste Management has zero incentive to better its labor practices. Now that is smelly!

Bill Alford, Kirkland