Take a look at Juanita High School before you vote | Letter

Someone has added a sign next to the Lake Washington School District vote signs saying "Yes Prop 1, Yes Prop 2, and No Prop 3."

Someone has added a sign next to the Lake Washington School District vote signs saying “Yes Prop 1, Yes Prop 2, and No Prop 3.”

Where were these sign people when I-405 tolling came up for a vote and passed? Where were these people when Kirkland voters passed a forever parks levy? Where were these people when Kirkland voters passed a forever road levy? Where were these people when Mayor McBride said let’s do away with 2+ free tolling in the HOV lanes?

Before you consider voting “no” on Prop 3, I encourage you to take a hard look at Juanita High School.

If Kirkland can afford parks forever, roads forever, tolling forever, the voters of Kirkland can afford to give Juanita High School a new building.

Save Xodnon, Kirkland