Sports hike fair price to pay

My response to those parents who question the hike rate for the pay-to-play is simple.

My response to those parents who question the hike rate for the pay-to-play is simple. When our family first heard of the possibility of sports being cut from junior high and high schools, we looked into other options. Boys & Girls club is an equal cost with an annual membership fee. I agree that the hike is steep. Our family is closer to the bottom of the Kirkland financial ladder than most. I look at it as a fair price to pay for the priceless addition of my son feeling the pride of playing with his friends, and representing his school. When sports are present in his life, his grades are fantastic, without it, concentration decreases and his grades are more of a challenge. From sports he has learned how to work with other personalities, take direction, become a leader in a positive way and support those of need.

Did you go to the Lake Washington School District parent meetings to find out what other important things were about to be cut? Transportation, class sizes, teachers, or no sports at all! I have a few questions for those parents who are reluctant to pay-to-play. How many times do you visit your local coffee stand? Go out to lunch or dinner? Sacrifice your personal indulges and then ask yourself if $250 is too much for your child.

Carol White, Kirkland