Drivers exhibit total selfishness

Driving to work last week I witnessed a near tragedy directly ahead of me on 405 south in Bellevue.

Driving to work last week I witnessed a near tragedy directly ahead of me on 405 south in Bellevue. Two cars, both in the left lane ahead of me, the second car closely followed the first car and obviously wanted to pass. However, that driver refused to move over, neither yielding as a courteous gesture nor moving over per state law – keep right except to pass.

The second car cut into the HOV lane to pass the first. Unfortunately, in his blind spot was a motorcycle officer in the HOV lane whom he nearly hit. When the driver realized there was a policeman behind him, he quickly cut back into the lane he’d left, just barely missing the first car he had just passed. He was immediately pulled over by the officer and, I assume, given a ticket. Yet all of this could have been avoided had the first driver shown some courtesy and yielded the right-of-way. Instead, that driver exhibited total selfishness in his egotistical refusal to move over and instead endangered three people who could have been seriously injured, or killed, including himself.

I bring this story up because of a letter you recently published by a Warren Wilson regarding his driving habits and his predilection for potentially inviting accidents, road rage, etc.

David Kerchner, Kirkland