Parking Nazis in Kirkland | Letter

During my first visit to see my dad at Merrill Gardens in Kirkland, I parked under the Merrill Gardens building next to a Merrill Gardens parking sign, with my new Merrill Gardens parking pass displayed on the windshield of my car. I received a $35 parking ticket from the city of Kirkland parking Nazis.

During my first visit to see my dad at Merrill Gardens in Kirkland, I parked under the Merrill Gardens building next to a Merrill Gardens parking sign, with my new Merrill Gardens parking pass displayed on the windshield of my car. I received a $35 parking ticket from the city of Kirkland parking Nazis.

I sent an explanatory letter to the city and was ignored. F-you Kirkland. I’ll never spend another dollar there. Nazis.

Scott Drexler, Everett