LETTER| Response to financial crisis no game

I respect Mr. Rosenthal's right to express his feelings for our government and it's response to the financial downturn ("Man puzzles over "Our Government," April 22).

I respect Mr. Rosenthal’s right to express his feelings for our government and it’s response to the financial downturn (“Man puzzles over “Our Government,” April 22). What I find “puzzling” is where was the outrage over the government that was in charge the last eight years? Sanctioning torture, dismissing warnings about potential terrorist attacks in the US, ignoring warnings about the credit-ratings system and, of course, those darned weapons of mass destruction.

Can we give the president and the new administration a chance? They haven’t been in office for even 100 days and they already should have the problem solved? It’s like weight gain, it took a long time to create this mess and it will take time to clean it up. The jury is still out on if the proposed plans will work, but I’m willing to hear all the evidence before I’m ready to indict. Mr. Rosenthal, this is no game.

Christiane Grove, Kirkland