LETTER| Cartoon conjures mythical monsters

Your last editorial cartoon (April 22) was finally too much for me. It gets so tiresome to see over and over again the twisted vision of liberal fanatics.

Your last editorial cartoon (April 22) was finally too much for me. It gets so tiresome to see over and over again the twisted vision of liberal fanatics. In articles and cartoons conservatives are portrayed as angry, greedy, simple-minded bigots. You know this is not true, in fact, it is just the opposite. Yet editors persist in conjuring up these mythical monsters. It takes no maturity to set up evil phantoms and then self-righteously vanquish them. That’s what kids do. But editors are supposed to be adults. There are, I’m sure, a great number of your readers who are conservative. Most likely a large percentage, if not the majority, of your advertisers are as well. Please try to be more balanced and realistic.

Anthony Cresci, Kirkland