Larry Springer has changed | Letter

Larry Springer has changed. Even when I have disagreed with him on policies, I have respected him as someone willing to work together with his colleagues in the community to do something positive. But then I saw this op-ed he apparently wrote with Roger Goodman.

Larry Springer has changed. Even when I have disagreed with him on policies, I have respected him as someone willing to work together with his colleagues in the community to do something positive. But then I saw this op-ed he apparently wrote with Roger Goodman.

Aside from the fact that they both publicly admit to being unable to vote for themselves in the op-ed, it was disheartening to see them turn on their own votes just to serve the political purpose of the day. Which other votes will they say they take back if they want to turn on their local seat mate Andy Hill? What happened to the attitude of bipartisanship they used to talk about?

It’s ironic that their op-ed is titled “If We Work Together” when the main point of the op-ed is to stop working together with their colleague Andy Hill. Furthermore, it shows the true content of their character that when the Democrats want to attack their colleague, they will even turn against their own votes to attack Hill’s record. I expected more from Larry Springer. Unfortunately, he’s just become just another partisan in Olympia.

Jeanie McCombs, Kirkland