Kirkland Councilman does not serve Hirt well with ‘dirty politics’ | Letter

In response to the Reporter’s recent article, “Kirkland Councilman files PDC complaint against EvergreenHealth board candidate.”

In response to the Reporter’s recent article, “Kirkland Councilman files PDC complaint against EvergreenHealth board candidate.”

We have known Kinnon Williams for many years. For Mr. Nixon to impugn Kinnon’s character by innuendo and half-truths brings to mind that it must be close to Halloween as we now see the name of “Nixon” rise from the fog and bog of Dirty Politics.

This specter is very reminiscent of an earlier Nixon whose dirty tricks removed him from public office. Ms. Hirt is not well-served by Mr. Nixon, who evidently feels she cannot win on her own merits but only by his attacking the opposition for her, lest her hands be soiled by doing it herself.

Kinnon Williams is a fine, decent, honorable man of impeccable character and reputation who chooses to commit his considerable energies to public service trying to make a difference for his community by getting involved.

In today’s world, more and more people stand back from making the choice to get involved because of people like Mr. Nixon and the kind of politics he demonstrates … what a sad commentary on the state of our democracy and political arena.

Kinnon will always make the honest and honorable choice. Kinnon will bring fresh air to a process that has stagnated by doing the same thing for more than 30 years (electing Ms. Hirt) and expecting new innovative results.

Vote for him … he will represent you well and honorably.

John R. and Mary A. Gustafson, Cathlamet, Wash.