Joan McBride is not qualified for office | Letter

Now that election time is drawing near I find I have to voice my right of free speech for or against some candidates.

Now that election time is drawing near I find I have to voice my right of free speech for or against some candidates.

First let me start with Joan McBride. I totally agree with Robert Styles’ assessment of her in his July 25 letter on “What McBride would bring to the 48th  district.” Joan McBride was a mediocre mayor at best. While watching the council meetings on TV I found her fumbling through her paperwork and asking the council, “Where are we?” She caused the city and its citizens more problems than I can remember and now she wants to run for Cyrus Habib’s house position. Why? Because it is for the most part unopposed. In McBride’s editorial in the Kirkland Reporter of April 25 she stated that with Rodney Tom stepping down for family reasons “It was perfectly clear to switch places with Habib. What great good luck, I would love to be called a senator but I would love to be called representative.” She also states, “It’s always been about serving the people.” Why didn’t you do that when you were mayor, Joan? Quoting Robert Styles, “she diverts local funds creating artificial nonexistent budget shortfalls in order to justify tax measures on the ballot.”

The only house she is qualified to run for is her own house. Joan McBride is simply looking for a new paycheck. Evan as mayor, before leaving office she wanted a pay increase for the council and herself.

Did she get it? I do not know. As a representative member she would only be a puppet of Rep. Larry Springer, himself a one-time mayor of Kirkland. The city of Kirkland has not had a good mayor or city manager since Bill Woods, Al Lock and Bob Neir. These were people persons not politicians.

I do have to give Rep. Larry Springer credit for getting a liquor catering bill passed in only one or two weeks. Why was that? Could it be because Larry owns ‘The Grape Choice’ in Kirkland and would benefit from it also? So why do we have to have one and two special sessions in order to get a budget passed in Olympia, Larry?

Roger Goodman also needs to step down as the 45th District representative. He is having way too many family problems. His mind is no longer on the people’s business. He has too many social and mental problems right now. Do the right thing Roger, as Rodney Tom did, and step down.

We need new faces in Olympia not people looking for a paycheck. Is this what we continuously want for our money? I ask you, is it?

In a recent poll only 25 percent of the people were in favor of Joan McBride running for office while 72 percent were not.

I leave it up to you, the voters to decide.

Duane Illg, Kirkland