Democrats endorse in non-partisan race

Last Sunday afternoon, I was upset to arrive home and see a flyer that the 45th District Democrats had placed on my door that held an endorsement of three of the candidates for city council as though they were the only Democrats running, which is not true. I also heard that one of those candidates was doorbelling saying that those three were the only true Democrats. And then, today in the mail I received campaign literature from four city council candidates. They all, with the exception of one, printed their endorsements and their campaign promises. The fourth, Brad Larssen, made the thrust of his ad a slam against his opponent. He was the only one to do so. The rest simply put forth their record of accomplishments and endorsements. Brad’s was mainly a criticism of his opponent. If I had been going to vote for him, that would certainly have changed my mind. I urge all Kirkland voters to vote based on their own opinions, not by recommendations of a political party. This is, after all, a non-partisan election.

Bonnie Fletcher, Kirkland