Medicare for all? Right. Like money grows on trees | Letter

“Medicare for all” is the convulsive and childish response to heath care, as your letter writer, Roger Ledbetter of Snoqualmie, opines. (10-6-2017.)

Free health care for all is an economically illiterate response to the problem.

This letter is another knee-jerk liberal calling people opposed to government health care “selfish.”

Calling people who don’t want socialized health care “selfish” is ironic. Its actually the socialist health care advocate who is selfish. They think they’re so special that others must pay for their health care. They think they’re so precious that they can drag all of us through their collectivized, communalized bureaucratized government-centered system.

You want “Medicare for all?” Then you get the VA hospital in Phoenix with its wait lists. Bernie, that’s your socialist single payer health care system in action.

Socialism kills. Its wait lists and rationing and long lines. Its the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics (USSR), remember? How well did that work?

Socialist health care — “medicare for all” — is naive and historically illiterate. Socialism has failed everywhere its been tried.

Canada’s socialized health care system only survives because they can escape south of the border to Bellingham or Detroit when they need a specialist (and won’t have to wait three months for surgery).

When government gives something away for free, it never ends well. Free stuff doesn’t work in the long run. Medicare and Medicaid are going bankrupt. Why expand it?

Think deeper. Think economically.

We need to increase free market forces in health care, reduce third party (government and insurance) payments and let the doctor and patient decide things.

Jeff Jared,
