Fun Memorial Day at Parkplace…but where’s the flag?

On Memorial Day, my wife and I took our son to play at Parkplace playground. We decided afterwards to watch a Little League baseball game that was just about to start. Nothing unusual, but I couldn’t help but notice that there was no pledge of allegiance before the game ... but even if they wanted to, there was no flag on the flagpole!

On Memorial Day, my wife and I took our son to play at Parkplace playground. We decided afterwards to watch a Little League baseball game that was just about to start.

Nothing unusual, but I couldn’t help but notice that there was no pledge of allegiance before the game … but even if they wanted to, there was no flag on the flagpole!

Of all days, don’t you think Memorial Day would have been the one day the American flag would’ve been flying.

Who missed this one?

~Roger Johnson, Kirkland