Figure out an annexation plan

(In response to a Jan. 28 letter, “Incorporation not out of question,” by Bob Style).

Styles pontificates that the three PAAs (Potential Annexation Areas) can incorporate. He seems to forget we are not three contiguous areas, Kingsgate is across town from Finn Hill and Juanita, and even these two areas share only a narrow border. Without Kingsgate, the other PAA areas of Finn Hill and Juanita have no commercial tax base, thanks in large part to Kirkland cherry picking their annexation areas over the years. And Kingsgate is likely not large enough to make incorporation feasible on its own.

The other areas of contract cities he has mentioned like Hunts Point and Beaux Arts, are much smaller and wealthier areas with the means to provide more easily for their services, which are not extensive given the neighborhoods we are dealing with. What we are looking at with the three Kirkland PAAs is a population the size of the current Kirkland, but separated by miles.

Incorporation is not an option for these areas, period. Had Kirkland not been allowed to incorporate pockets of commercially rich zones, leaving neighborhoods high and dry, it would not only be feasible, but appealing. If Kirkland had continued to phase in annexation, one neighborhood at a time, instead of stopping with Rose Hill 20 years ago, we likely wouldn’t be in this mess at all.

Unfortunately, that was not the case and now Kirkland must stand up and do what they have promised for years. Figure out a plan – do it in phases, do it one PAA at a time, whatever. Otherwise, the PAAs are likely to become part of Bothell, leaving Kirkland to be sandwiched between three larger, profitable, and better run cities. I wonder which one will incorporate Kirkland and how far down the road it might be? Given the way Kirkland is burning through cash and goodwill, it may be sooner than we think.

Cami Keyes, Kirkland