Boeing should say thank you to us | Letter

In the second installment of Boeing's community content advertisement telling us how great Boeing is and in big print how much Boeing gives back to us, the lucky folks that paid for all of it.

In the second installment of Boeing’s community content advertisement telling us how great Boeing is and in big print how much Boeing gives back to us, the lucky folks that paid for all of it. Nowhere in the add did I see a “thank you” to the taxpayers of the state of Washington for the more that $10 billion that we gave them. No, we are suppose to fall on our knees in thanks for the 0.1 percent of the $10 billion of our money that they give back to us. Thanks.

This being the second phase of advertising telling us how great they are, leads me to believe that Boeing is getting us ready for another “Special Session” with our great “give ’em what they want,” legislators. Why? Oh, because we belong to Boeing. We all work for Boeing we just foot the bill, pay the taxes and are thankful for whatever falls from the table. Don’t say thanks Boeing. After all, we owe you, don’t we?

Charles Courtier, Kirkland