Last May, the Juanita High fastpitch softball team notched a thrilling victory over West Seattle with a walkoff single by senior graduate Megan Murray to qualify for the 3A state tournament once again.
The Rebels want another taste of state and senior captains Eden Radke and Jordan Schroeder are set on guiding their team to the promised land of the Regional Athletic Complex in Lacey.
“Every year we have been going to state, so that kind of helps us. We have a new goal every year is to go to state and hopefully win state. We just take last year and we take what we learned from the state tournament and then work on it this year,” said Radke, who will play first base and outfield.
Teamwork and chemistry are key components to the squad and Radke added that in order for the players to improve, they need to give it their all on every play each time out at practice.
On leading the squad as one of the Rebels’ three captains — junior Sasha Mitchell completes the trio — Schroeder feels the team will need to possess commitment and drive in order to succeed. The outfielder added that they’ve got some solid players on their side of the field.
They include the following returners: senior Heather Gengo, juniors Mitchell, Abbie Reynolds and Kaci Gordon, and sophomores Mackenzie Burke, Lauren Moreau and Rylee Blackburn.
Schroeder said that being around the girls is a treat.
“I feel like we’re very close. I know every one of the girls at school and I say hi,” she said.
The Reporter asked Radke and Schroeder a few questions to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives:
What’s the best piece of advice that you’ve ever been given?
Radke: My dad told me to be a friend to everybody. If you’re a friend to everybody, then you learn to respect people and they respect you. You don’t have any tension with people, you just be a nice person.
Schroeder: You’re the best you that you can be. That kind of just stuck with me.
If you could go to dinner with one person, who would that be?
Radke: Ariana Grande and Jesus. Different tables.
Schroeder: Michelle Obama, ‘cause I think that what she does with young adults is really inspiring.
What special skill would you like to learn?
Radke: I wanna learn how to play basketball.
Schroeder: I really wish I was a good singer. I think I’m pretty good right now, but obviously could get better ‘cause I haven’t really gotten that record deal yet.
What’s you favorite restaurant in the area?
Radke: Pizza Bank. (The both work there.)
Schroeder: Cafe Veloce.
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Radke: I feel like slow drivers, when they’re going 25 in a 35, but then I get the safety thing, so it’s fine.
Schroeder: When people chew with their mouth open.
What super power would you like to have?
Radke: Flying.
Schroeder: Invisibility. But I could turn it on and off.