Words of wisdom for graduates | Editorial

The four high schools in Kirkland held graduation ceremonies for a combined 688 seniors during the past two weeks.

The four high schools in Kirkland held graduation ceremonies for a combined 688 seniors during the past two weeks.

The Reporter has acknowledged these students’ hard work and has printed each name.

We also solicited some advice from some of the most prominent people in Kirkland and here is what they want you to consider as you embark on your new journey:

“My words of wisdom are simple: be happy, be nimble,  work for a more just world, keep learning and remember you are our hope for tomorrow.” – Kirkland Mayor Joan McBride

“I encourage each of you to become the best that you can be and to celebrate each step of the way. Our future is up to you.” – Kirkland City Councilwoman Penny Sweet

“I often use this Nelson Mandela quote and my own words that follow to inspire kids.  ‘There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.’  Find a passion and pursue it. You will live a much happier life.” – Kirkland City Councilman Bob Sternoff

“Be guided by your principles – stick to your values – apply yourself and continue to represent your family and your school.” – Juanita High School principal Gary Moed

“This is something my dad passed on to me that I’ve never forgotten. ‘You may be exceptionally talented, intelligent and unique but the most important quality you need to develop is persistence.  You will be frustrated and at times feel defeated, but persistence will get you through while others will give up.  It is the one thing that will get you to where you want to be in life.’” – Executive Director of the Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce Bruce Wynn

And to all the Kirkland high school graduates, congratulations and good luck in the real world!