What is detoxification? | Healthy Living

We hear a lot about “detoxification” for healthier living, but what does it actually mean? Is it hype? What is “detoxified” and how is it done? Many people have these questions, particularly in a sea of information and misinformation.

We hear a lot about “detoxification” for healthier living, but what does it actually mean? Is it hype? What is “detoxified” and how is it done? Many people have these questions, particularly in a sea of information and misinformation.

This very brief introduction to detoxification is not intended to address addictive chemicals, such as alcohol or cocaine. This will refer to detoxification of chemicals we are exposed to in our everyday environment, and accumulate in our bodies, know as our “body burden.” (See: www.pollutioninpeople.org)

Human exposure to some environmental chemicals has been increasing during the past five decades; these include chemicals found in our food, air, water and personal care products (plasticizers, pesticides, flame retardants, PCB’s etc.). While non-occupational exposures are typically low in dose, some chemicals accumulate in the body over time and have been associated with adverse human health effects, such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, infertility and many others (See: www.healthandenvironment.org/tddb/).

Some of these interventions include: dietary changes, vitamin and herbal supplements, colonic hydrotherapy, coffee enemas, saunas, and many others.

Essentially, detoxification is the process of removing unwanted material from the body. In the process people often report feeling better, having more energy, losing weight, in some cases reducing or eliminating the need for certain medications and overcoming or reducing the severity of illnesses.

A few simple things that can be done at home to address your own body burden include:

• Identify and reduce any known exposures-such as mold, new carpets, plastic ware, etc.

• Eat organically grown food as much as possible, especially certain foods (see ewg.org for a list of the ‘dirty dozen’)

•Consider regular sauna use, as it has been documented to increase the excretion of a number of chemicals

Comprehensive Medical Center for Healthy Living is located in Kirkland. For more information call 425-823-8818 or visit www.comprehensivemedicalcenter.com.