What has happened to the once progressive Republican Party? | Letter

The Republican Party, of the ’50s and ’60s, had worked together in both houses of congress for the greater good of this nation by building new infrastructure across this great nation from east to west, north to south.

The Republican Party, of the ’50s and ’60s, had worked together in both houses of congress for the greater good of this nation by building new infrastructure across this great nation from east to west, north to south. An all-encompassing effort to better the lives of all its citizens. It was by most intentions exactly what they were supposed to do, that was their job, to move the country forward, for and by the citizens that paid their wages.

It seemed to me that political differences were worked out for the benefit of the country. The dialogue, at times argued to compromise, seemed respectful and civil to the offices represented. There was more humor at times of these political maneuverings, but rarely was there a public display of personal disrespect for any officer of the government, or threats of reprisal.

Over the last couple of decades, the Republican Party seemed to have lost this desire to move the country forward for all its citizens. A growing number of their members seemed to be mainly interested in their own agenda, some for financial gain, and others for personal beliefs. Activities that were not included in their oaths of office to benefit the country.

So the country started drifting in a direction that was not beneficial for all citizens, for which they were still getting payed by. Many jobs moved overseas on this trickle down economy notion, to cheaper, and unorganized labor. Reducing taxes for the wealthy while curtailing social services for the needy. Denying the effects of global warming, even though the vast majority of scientists worry, and the apparent evidence of polar ice caps melting is not convincing enough. Fighting against a fair health care system for all citizens. Denying reasonable and sensible gun control laws. The list goes on and on.

The most recent hypocrisy, of these strong advocates for freedom and less government involvement, is the wish of many Republicans, wanting to curtail those freedoms for woman and their freedom to choose how to conduct their own health issues.

The worst behavior however has been during the last eight years. The rhetoric to block all the president’s agenda regardless of their benefits to the country, as stated by the Republican Senate majority leader. It was the height of disrespect for the highest elected office in the country. The entire government was even closed down by a filibuster by a Republican house of representatives probably for his religious beliefs. The retiring Republican house speaker even described this man as the devil himself. This devil had many followers that were bent on destroying the country if it didn’t abide by their beliefs. A breach of his oath as well as the separation of church and state.

The product of all this indecent, disrespectful behavior of the Republican Party, has produced the most arrogant, egotistical, untruthful president elect in the history of this great country. What has happened to this once progressive Republican Party?

Rick Bodlaender, Kirkland