We attended the Holiday Tea at the Bothell Historical

We attended the Holiday Tea at the Bothell Historical Museum on Dec. 7. Bothell seems to be having development issues that mirror Kirkland’s. The investors want growth and the citizens wish to maintain the small town character and feel of a community rich with local history and color. They drove their point home when they said that many developers want to “Kirklandize” Bothell. This was not meant as a compliment. Californicate, McMansions and now Kirklandize.


Kirkland mirrors Bothell

We attended the Holiday Tea at the Bothell Historical Museum on Dec. 7. Bothell seems to be having development issues that mirror Kirkland’s. The investors want growth and the citizens wish to maintain the small town character and feel of a community rich with local history and color. They drove their point home when they said that many developers want to “Kirklandize” Bothell. This was not meant as a compliment. Californicate, McMansions and now Kirklandize.

Dale and Loita Hawkinson, Kirkland