Very little sleep due to Oktoberfest, lack of policing | Letter

Living next to Marina Park (and the marina) I have to wonder why the city approves a three-day drinking festival in its public park, let alone with inadequate policing. While the 12 hour Saturday all-day party ended at 11 p.m. in theory, it was still going on long and strong at the dock until 2:30 a.m. on Sunday with crew from vessels Candela, Skipping Town and Saltyhouse continuing the October Festivities to some rocking tunes. Unfortunately, the 42 units of families living there had to enjoy it whether they did or not. No worries for those that could remain and nap on Sunday. Oh wait, the park itself continued to rock until 6 p.m. on Sunday. Good times!

Living next to Marina Park (and the marina) I have to wonder why the city approves a three-day drinking festival in its public park, let alone with inadequate policing. While the 12 hour Saturday all-day party ended at 11 p.m. in theory, it was still going on long and strong at the dock until 2:30 a.m. on Sunday with crew from vessels Candela, Skipping Town and Saltyhouse continuing the October Festivities to some rocking tunes. Unfortunately, the 42 units of families living there had to enjoy it whether they did or not. No worries for those that could remain and nap on Sunday. Oh wait, the park itself continued to rock until 6 p.m. on Sunday. Good times!

The police response when contacted at 1:30 and 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning when residents had had it? “We’re aware of it, we’re having a busy night. Is there anything else I can do for you.” Seriously? 1) Obviously there’s nothing they can do. They’re too busy. 2) What else would you expect when you host an activity where the main event on Saturday (let alone for three days) was drinking for 12 hours? 3) If this follows a permit process, and a crowd of 10,000 (mostly drinkers… the majority are not coming on Sunday to watch the wiener dog races at 1 p.m., they’re here to party, drink and go home. While a few may wander to the volunteer station to hook up a ride, most won’t.

It isn’t just the event participants, this goes on all summer – it’s just worse with events. People enjoy coming down to watch the sunset or just have a few minutes to chat, to each other or on the phone. It’s a nice spot, except when it isn’t. Hard to enjoy peace and quiet when there are “regulars” who frequent the park and marina with boom box music, to which they enjoy singing along (with a mic) to older covers or playing along (think the guy with the canned accordion music who whips out his violin). It isn’t just at 6 p.m. – often it’s 10:30 at night. Can we not just have parks where people can come and enjoy the waterfront without our senses being assaulted by canned/amplified music at the marina and park? Sure there are signs posted – can’t transmit sound more than 50 feet. Oh, and no alcohol. Yah, right. In which case, seems like Kirkland’s finest might do a little more regular patrolling of city parks and the city marina. Seems like the city should have some responsibility for what occurs on their sites? One suggestion in the interim for Oktoberfest: Hold the wiener dog races at 8 a.m. on the dock and start up the tubas and accordions, that way all of the dogs barking and oompah music can be a little payback to those partiers now sleeping snug in the dark holds of their boats while the rest of us confront our Sundays with little to no sleep. I suppose that wouldn’t be fair to those considerate boaters (the majority) who also just wanted to enjoy the marina and didn’t get any sleep either. Oh well. Maybe the best thing for everyone be to let the trained experts take care of things properly. Can we do that?

Cristy Taylor, Kirkland