The proper use of of the word nefarious | Letter

I've been looking for a word that best describes a politician. I would like to thank Councilmember (Toby) Nixon for his input.

I’ve been looking for a word that best describes a politician. I would like to thank Councilmember (Toby) Nixon for his input.

The synonym (of nefarious) pertains to him more than me.

It was he who pushed for annexation without asking the citizens of Kirkland. He did not represent them but instead he represented people who were not citizens of Kirkland.

He used the annexation, without Kirkland citizens approval, as a stepping stone to boost his political career.

Now I ask, who is more nefarious? Me, who has exposed the truth, not Mr. Nixon. I represent the antonym, not the synonym.

Robert L. Style, Kirkland

Editor’s note: This letter is in response to previous comments online and in print.