Style | Political poppycock

The City of Kirkland staff’s recent report on annexation reflects just what we knew and the representatives in the PAA and some on the council ignored. It’s a mess and the consequences are even worse than we forecast. We had credibility.

It’s too bad we can hold only the two that remain on council accountable, Bob Sternoff, who said he didn’t want a reduction of services and Joan McBride. Both voted for annexation.

If Toby Nixon runs for election, this staff report will enable us to highlight how he misrepresented the truth.

For those candidates who supported annexation, we can only illustrate their failure to understand and appreciate what it would do to the citizens of Kirkland. We need them to understand that government should serve the people, not the people serve the government. Now and for at least 10 more years, we’ll suffer greatly.

We’ll have to deal with it – political agendas, services that are being devastated, and questionable reasons for council actions. This information will also come up if County Councilmember Jane Hague runs for reelection. She’s done us great harm. We need creditability, not political poppycock.