Style | City of Kirkland should put public safety first

The City of Kirkland's suggestion to increase taxes to make up for the projected shortfall for sheriff and legal services reveal the council's intentions to avoid its responsibilities.

The City of Kirkland’s suggestion to increase taxes to make up for the projected shortfall for sheriff and legal services reveal the council’s intentions to avoid its responsibilities. To help council members understand how taxpayers feel, I submit the following.

Council overspends on non-essential services. In order to do it, council has diverted money from essential services. Shortfalls are being created in other funds in order to create a reason to put safety on the ballot. The city is not putting safety first and they want us to forgive their lack of responsibility. The council should:

· Fund safety first. If you need more money for other services, put that on the ballot.

· Establish a sustainable budget. You’re overspending. You’ve created entitlements outside the functions of government. You need to stop robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to get Paul’s vote.

· Establish rural services. When the Growth Management Act passed, a dividing line was created in the counties throughout the state defining urban growth boundaries. On one side of the line, urban services would be required. On the other side of the line, rural services should be provided by the county. Yet, you are still trying to provide urban services outside the boundaries of the urban growth line. Call it tough love, but you need to educate the public as to what the law says about urban and rural services.

Is there any wonder why the tea party movement got started?Pull in the reins, live within your means, and stop trying to make us believe you put safety first.

Robert L. Style is a long-time Kirkland resident.