Park Place development moves forward

Where are all the citizens that packed the Planning Commission and City Council meetings that were speaking for, or against, the large scale redevelopment of Park Place? You still have a chance to contribute your opinions.

Design Review Board meetings are held on the first and third Mondays every month. Citizen involvement is crucial; the volunteer architects on the Design Review Board cannot be expected to review the plans on this huge project alone. Community members that are willing to sit through the meetings are given an opportunity to contribute their comments regarding the aesthetic appeal of the buildings during the design process. Now is the time to make sure that the developers follow through on their “Envision Park Place” ideals. Whether you supported this project or not, redevelopment will eventually happen. As a concerned citizen who was extremely skeptical of the promises made by the developers and openly objected to the large scale of this project, I am greatly disappointed to find that I am the sole community member in the audience who seriously considers the visual impact that this huge development will have on our town. I feel it is a duty to continue participating in the process by contributing my opinions during the meetings and through follow-up letters. The Design Review Board needs your help in order to guide the architects designing these buildings so that they are more aesthetically appealing. If we end up with ugly buildings in the middle of town, the citizens of Kirkland will be partially responsible. I invite you to join the process by showing up at the May 17 DRB meeting in City Hall at 7 p.m. Don’t worry about boredom, the illustrations, models and PowerPoint presentations are fun to look at and make the meetings interesting. There are only two more buildings to be approved by the DRB, don’t miss this opportunity!

Margarette Bull, Kirkland