(In response to a Feb. 18 letter “Rick Steves Marijuana Mission Not Worthwhile). As a pot smoking writer for the past 46 years with three books rated as best in their field in the last four years, I’m wondering when this mythical brain damage John Navroth is so concerned about will set in. Besides my books, I have created two top selling DVDs in the last 2 years.

Post smokers do not suffer brain damage

(In response to a Feb. 18 letter “Rick Steves Marijuana Mission Not Worthwhile). As a pot smoking writer for the past 46 years with three books rated as best in their field in the last four years, I’m wondering when this mythical brain damage John Navroth is so concerned about will set in. Besides my books, I have created two top selling DVDs in the last 2 years.

If Mr Navroth thinks there is mental impairment from cannabis, how does he explain me getting past a rugged learning curve to do the DVD camera work and the brain-busting post production titles, graphics, transitions etc etc etc involved in doing DVD composition in about 3 months. It generally takes students a year or more to get to the point where they have a handle the clip management, editing and replication, not to mention that operating a professional DVD camera is way more than a point and click operation. And I smoke pot almost every day.

How does Navroth explain the scores of highly successful musicians who use marijuana such as Willie Nelson, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Mick Jagger Art Garfunkel Jimmy Dorsey Johnny Cash, John Lennon, and Louis Armstrong to name a few. If Navroth thinks creating music and running a successful band is easy he should give it a try. And what about the fact that the last three Presidents admit marijuana use. Politics and music are the most highly competitive careers in the world and mentally disabled people cannot compete.

How do so many pot smokers manage to succeed, if marijuana puts them out of touch with reality.

Floyd Krautner, Bakersfield, Calif.

Marijuana letter misinformed

Aah, another misinformed complaint about discussion of the cannabis (marijuana) issue in John Navroth’s letter, “Rick Steves Marijuana Mission Not Worthwhile.” Personally I applaud Rick Steves’ stance and appreciate yet another intelligent and highly acceptable public personality taking a stand on what is truly an important and deservedly front page issue. Mr Navroth needs to keep in mind that here in the U.S. we arrest 99 people each and every hour, every day, for pot possession. Navroth also needs to understand that in countries (including many in Europe) with less punitive cannabis laws, pot use is much lower than here in the states.

Finally I must add that our cannabis laws are so disgustingly based on no science or medical fact and obscene racism that they deserve to be shunned and done away with. Lies (like those underlying pot’s prohibition) are not a good foundation for law and in fact are counter to the most basic principles of justice.

Allan Erickson, Eugene, Ore.

Off-leash dog park a must at Crestwoods

An off-leash dog park is a must in any civilized community.

Dogs are not just objects; they are family members. All family members living in a community should have access to public venues for a reasonably good quality of life.

Laura Ogilvie, Kirkland

Jason Mesnick should keep options open

I sincerely hope that Jason keeps his options open because these quick relationship/television show’s sometimes backfire. Jason has proved to be a man first, a passionate and compassionate father second, and in my books a really sincere person. It’s unfortunate what happened with Deanna P., but honestly she just wasn’t the one for Jason. I feel the woman who is looking for a best friend is the one He should end up with.

On the lastest episode, a woman shares everything with you (just as I might add) you asked for, and you then feel that it may not be true and doubt her affections? Click! That ends my following “The Bachelor.” Are you sure you’re looking for the best person for both you and Ty, or yourself?

Phyllis Venkataya, Sacramento

Responsibility or irresponsibility – who pays

President Obama said he would launch an era of responsibility. How can that be? His stimulus package and foreclosure bailouts promote irresponsibility and reliance on welfare.

The bailouts President Obama have implemented flies in the face of responsible people. Being responsible is different than those who believe their ignorance, poor decisions, and irresponsibility should be forgiven and paid for by someone else.

President Obama’s bailouts decrease the quality of life of at least half the people who pay taxes. The other half doesn’t care because they don’t pay taxes. Those who make less than $32,000 only pay 3%. Somewhere between 41% and 45% pay no taxes. They will show up at the voting booths to insure even a greater transfer money from those who earned it to those who don’t. Obama’s coat tails will grow.

Responsible people need to take action or it will get worse.. Every level of government, investment firms, mortgage companies, the real estate industry, and individuals need to be accountable. Many bailouts are not warranted. Bailouts increase the numbers of those who don’t pay and increase the taxes of those who do. When it comes to introducing an era of responsibility, we chose the wrong guy.

Robert L. Style, Kirkland

What Obama’s housing plan really means

Pres. Obama’s $75B Housing Rescue Plan is government bailing out homeowners and interjecting itself into loan modification negotiations between loaner & borrower. Propping up housing prices by bailing out foreclosees, is just government meddling in the marketplace, and therefore, won’t work.

So if a borrower can pay 1,000 per month but the bank will only modify the existing mortgage down to $1,500 per month, the feds will come in and donate the $500 difference. But this amounts to a price control, a price floor on home values. And economics teaches us that price controls, whether price floors or price caps, shrink the overall economic pie by misallocating resources. This is economics 101. Thoughtful people should always oppose price controls on principle because they make us poorer.

Contrary to popular belief, the cause of the current housing crises is big government and overregulation. The Federal Reserve artificially holds down interest rates. This subsidizes more loans than the market would naturally bear if the Federal Reserve Bank were not there. The federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), required bankers to give risky loans to seek a good federal rating.

These two things are examples of how government regulation and meddling, just artificially subsidizes risk and over-loaning causing housing bubbles and their corresponding bursts.

Let foreclosures happen and housing values drop, and let people move into rental housing and then let the rental market flourish as the market corrects itself. Prices need to freely fluctuate—even to obscenely low points—for the free market to work. Re-regulating only throws gas on the fire of this recession prolonging it.

Jeff E. Jared, Kirkland