Is hCG a miracle drug?

Seems you can’t turn on the TV or radio, or open a magazine without hearing about hCG. Is it really a miracle drug that will cure obesity?

No. HCG is not a miracle drug or a long-term solution for obesity. It is a jump start to weight loss that teaches portion control while helping patients to become aware of food triggers that may cause weight gain. When administered correctly, the results are fantastic. Patients can lose one to two pounds per day and one to three inches of girth over the course of a three-week program.

The challenge for consumers is figuring out what “administered correctly” means. Late night TV commercials claim you can buy all the hCG drops you need for $30 a bottle. Search on the internet and you’ll find numerous sites selling hCG for even less.

Some programs require you to inject hCG into the subcutaneous tissue. Really? Does it hurt? Is it safe to eat only 500 calories a day? Why do some clinics charge $175 for their program while others charge as much as $600?

Seems there are nearly as many questions about hCG as there are Starbucks locations in the Puget Sound area. So let’s start at the beginning.

What is hCG? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a natural hormone produced in large quantities by the placenta during pregnancy to ensure proper nutrients to a developing baby. HCG is what triggers the hypothalamus to mobilize stored fat into the bloodstream to be used as “food.” It is believed to reset your metabolism and to protect your body’s good fat and keep muscle tissue from breaking down, (which occurs in other low calorie diets without the use of hCG).

Is hCG safe? Yes! HCG is safe for both men and women provided that it is professional grade hCG that is formulated or manufactured in the USA and comes from a licensed and certified U.S. pharmacy. This is an important element of any protocol to consider. Purchasing hCG from a reputable pharmaceutical lab that tests potency and efficacy means you’ll know that the dosage you’re taking is accurate, high quality and enough to make an actual impact.

When you buy from unknown sources, you can’t be 100 percent sure of the exact dosage because the supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA and many over-the-counter supplements are not required to consistently contain enough of the vitamins or ingredients you need for the desired effect.

How long has hCG been used? In the 1950’s, Dr. ATW Simeons began using small doses of hCG in obese patients to decrease appetite and observed weight loss and decreased inches around hips, thighs, buttocks and stomachs. It has continued to gain in popularity as a successful, natural approach to weight loss.

Aren’t pills or drops under the tongue easier than self injecting? It may seem that way. However, self injecting is actually very simple and virtually painless. Quality programs use the same needles that diabetics use to inject insulin. These are the smallest gauged needles available and you can barely feel them when injecting subcutaneously into the belly fat. When injected, hCG is absorbed directly into the blood stream and therefore has a greater impact on the patient. When taken orally, hCG has to be taken twice daily, it is very unstable out of the refrigerator, therefore it is hard to utilize when traveling. In addition, the hCG is competing with other variables in the mouth or stomach and so not as much of the hCG actually reaches the bloodstream.

Patients who join a comprehensive self-injectable program will almost always experience better results than patients who take the pills. Why? Quality programs require patients to go through full physical exam and weekly weigh-ins to monitor progress. During weekly weigh-ins the patient receives nutritional coaching, they learn about portion control and weight, BMI, abdominal girth and visceral fat is continually measured. Additional supplements may also be provided to ensure patients are getting all the nutrients they need while on the low calorie restricted diet. Finally, complete programs help patients develop a long-term maintenance meal plan so they can enjoy eating while maintaining their weight loss.

A successful jumpstart of losing 10-20 pounds, one to three inches around the abdominal girth and getting back into clothes that haven’t fit for years is an excellent motivator for continuing forward with the right behavioral lifestyle changes for a happier and healthier you.

This newly obtained knowledge of paying attention to portion control, drinking adequate amounts of water and having discovered your personal food triggers will provide you with the tools to maintain your weight loss and help work towards keeping that weight under control.

Don’t forget that exercise is an important component to all weight management programs. Walking just 30 minutes, three to five times a week has demonstrated benefits to keeping belly fat at bay! A pedometer is another good tool to measure your daily steps. Exercise builds strength and muscle that increases your resting body metabolism and helps towards overall weight control as well.

Santo Criscuolo is the owner of Kirkland-based Ambrosia MedSpa, the premier skin rejuvenation center on the Eastside. For information, visit or call 425-814-3235.