ICS Key Club provides help for local people in need | Sundberg

There are a lot of great kids in our community doing things to help those less fortunate than they are. They take their time and resources, and come together for a common cause.

There are a lot of great kids in our community doing things to help those less fortunate than they are. They take their time and resources, and come together for a common cause.

One such group is the ICS Key Club. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Kirkland (KCK), they have reached out to their community on numerous occasions to make a difference.

Most recently, the group went to Food Lifeline on one of their days off during winter break.

“It is one of our favorite activities,” said Paul Plank, their school Key Club advisor. “We go at least once a year. The students like it because they can talk and listen to music – all while helping those in need.”

From 9-11 a.m. on Feb. 11, ICS Key Clubbers repackaged 2,952 pounds of frozen corn into three-pound bags. They had 12 Key Club members helping, plus Paul, his wife and their son. Repackaging this corn provided, according to Food Lifeline, 2,460 meals for the hungry people of Western Washington. While other teens were catching up on their sleep, playing games on their phones or watching TV, these kids took time on their winter break and were elbow deep in frozen corn, all to make a huge different to those who need help.

The club has also been involved in a number of other large service projects for the past several months. These include helping out at the KCK Christmas Tree lot and making blankets to donate to Friends of Youth – a shelter for homeless/struggling youth on the Eastside.

“We also hosted a huge Canned Food Drive competition between grade levels to see who could bring in the largest amount of canned food,” said Club President Abby Orler said. “The seniors won by bringing in around 1,500 ramen packets.”

The friendly competition fed many hungry people.

These young people are making a huge difference in our community. They are reaching out and helping where it is needed – and for that we want to say “thank you.” We are very proud of them and what they are doing to serve their community.

Bonni Sundberg is the spokesperson with the Kiwanis Club of Kirkland.