SR 520 ramps near Kirkland boundary at 108th Avenue Northeast to close for paving and striping

Several State Route 520 ramps at 108th Avenue Northeast will close from 10 p.m. Sept. 18 to 5 a.m. Sept. 19.

The following is a release from the Washington State Department of Transportation:

Several State Route 520 ramps at 108th Avenue Northeast will close from 10 p.m. Sept. 18 to 5 a.m. Sept. 19. The 108th Avenue Northeast roadway will also be closed during that time between Northup Way and SR 520. During the closure, crews with the Eastside Transit and HOV Project will place the top layer of pavement and stripe the roadway.

What to expect:

The SR 520 off-ramp to 108th Avenue Northeast, the 108th Avenue Northeast on-ramp to westbound SR 520 and the 108th Avenue Northeast transit/HOV direct-access ramps will close from 10 p.m. Sept. 18 to 5 a.m. Sept. 19.

108th Avenue Northeast between Northup Way and SR 520 will close during the same hours.

The 108th Avenue Northeast on-ramp to eastbound SR520 will remain open.

For more information on road closures associated with SR 520 construction, visit the SR 520 Orange Page and follow on Twitter: @wsdot_520.