Sen. Andy Hill deserves re-election | Letter

In the race for 45th District Senator, the best decision for voters is to re-elect Andy Hill.

In the race for 45th District Senator, the best decision for voters is to re-elect Andy Hill.

Sen. Andy Hill stands for education. He led the crafting of a budget that put $1 billion into public education – the most in recent history without raising taxes. This budget reversed a thirty year trend in which education was chronically underfunded. With the budget, education spending now outpaced non education spending four-to-one. Furthermore, this budget also held the line on in-state college tuition for the first time in 27 years. Our students – our future – need this kind of leadership. Those who claim that bipartisanship is dead should know that Senator Hill’s budget passed both houses with 89 percent of the vote in each chamber.

It was because of this budget that Sen. Hill received endorsements from both Stand for Children and the League of Education Voters – organizations that might not otherwise be expected to support Republican candidates.

Sen. Hill crafted with Governor Inslee and State Auditor Troy Kelley the Vulnerable Individuals Priority (VIP) Act. This proposal ensures adequate funding into DSHS so that individuals with developmental disabilities can receive the help they need. This is a much-needed assistance to morethan 4,000 individuals that need at-home care, and more than 1,000 individuals that need assistance in finding employment. Again, this resolution passed the House and Senate with broad bipartisan support.

Sen. Hill’s opponent, Matt Isenhower, offers little by comparison. He has a few talking points, though no experience to back them up. His campaign tactic has been to throw mud at Sen. Hill. Which is a disconcerting turnabout for a former registered Republican who opportunistically changed parties to run in this election.

If you want honest leadership with real results in Olympia, then I encourage you to make the right decision and re-elect Andy Hill as our state Senator.

Calvin Helker, Woodinville