Kirkland Children’s School hosted a wildlife habitat certification celebration on Nov. 15, marking the school’s certification as a wildlife habitat with the National Wildlife Federation. The certification is an important step in the city’s efforts, headed by the Central Houghton Neighborhood Association, to become one of the nation’s few neighborhoods that meet the requirements.
The free community calendar is published Wednesdays on a space-available basis, and includes free and nonprofit local events and groups. Submit items at least a week in advance of publication dates to
The Lake Washington Dance Team opened up the 08-09 competition season by hosting their fifth annual competition Nov. 8. The 15 teams competed in the dance, hip hop, pom and drill categories.
Engaging in extracurricular study on the subject of Geography, about 60 5th grade students and teachers from Peter Kirk Elementary paid a visit to City Hall Nov. 19 for GIS Day.
The Kirkland Teen Union Building (KTUB), a youth development program run by Friends of Youth, is seeking meal donors and volunteers for its Teen Feed program, which provides meals for up to 100 young people every Friday night at 6 p.m.
Between Wednesday, Nov. 12 and Tuesday, Nov. 18, the Kirkland Police Department reported 359 traffic violations (4 DUIs), 24 car accidents, 18 alarm calls, 14 assaults, 13 thefts, 13 noise complaints and eight acts of vandalism. At least 45 people were arrested.
For what many fear may be the last time, George Mangouras has said goodbye. Updated with funeral services information.
Kingsgate is among six potential sites for a new regional municipal jail
Traffic engineers are advising drivers to use extra care when traveling through the intersection of Northeast 128th Street and 120th Avenue Northeast.
For years, Kirkland’s downtown merchants have tried hard to make the area a shopping destination, filled with unique art galleries and boutique fashion shops. But after 17 years, Gunnar Nordstrom has had enough.
T ough economic times often call for extreme measures. While your family may not be at the point of desperation, let me assure you that hundreds of families in east King County are.
Christmas preparations at Lake Washington Christian Church are already in full swing, with parishioners ready to trim the holiday tree, organizing caroling groups and asking for donations of hot apple cider for children practicing for an annual Christmas Pageant.
Standing just inside the door of the Madison Retirement Home in Totem Lake, a photo collage of young men and women in military uniform stood proudly on display.
Between Wednesday, Nov. 5 and Tuesday, Nov. 11, the Kirkland Police Department reported 259 traffic violations (12 DUIs), 31 car accidents, 23 vehicle prowls, 22 thefts, 21 alarm calls, 15 assaults (nine domestic violence) and 10 burglaries. At least 37 people were arrested.
After a year and a half of public hearings and study sessions, plans to revitalize the Park Place Shopping Center made strides last Thursday.
On Nov. 24, the Metropolitan King County Council will vote to adopt the county’s final budget for 2009, which calls for massive funding cuts at nonprofit human service agencies.
The 2008 race for Kirkland’s 45th District, Position 1 seat in the State House is among the five most expensive, according to the candidates’ latest campaign filings with the PDC.
Far from glamorous, the day after Election Day can be a real chore for candidates as they pick up their campaign signs from the area’s local byways and main roads.
Costco has abandoned the idea of opening a store at Bellevue’s Kelsey Creek Center, board chairman Jeff Brotman told a meeting of the Bellevue Breakfast Rotary Club recently.