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District’s Wasl results for class of 2010

District’s Wasl results for class of 2010

Reading (pass rate): 95%

Writing: 97%

Math: 76%

Overall rate (estimate): 90% (statewide pass rate is 75%)

Sample questions

Reading Section:

In those days, during the 1950s, the big concern of ornithologists in our area was the wild turkey … The species was being degraded. It was extinction by dilution, and to the ornithologists it was just as tragic as the more dramatic demise of the passenger pigeon or the Carolina parakeet.

Which word could the author have used in paragraph instead of the word demise?

A. End; B. Growth; C. Surplus; D. Preservation


Write a letter to the editor to convince readers to support your position on a current local, national or international issue.