Kirkland student wins award in Cricket magazine competition

Kirkland resident Penda Hoge, 9, received third prize in the April 2015 Cricket League poetry competition from Cricket magazine.

Kirkland resident Penda Hoge, 9, received third prize in the April 2015 Cricket League poetry competition from Cricket magazine.

For this contest, each entrant was asked to submit an original poem about a wild animal. Penda’s poem “The Lion” appears in the Cricket League pages of the September 2015 issue and is posted at

Cricket features the best short stories, poems, and articles by the world’s finest children’s authors and is illustrated by the best artists from here and abroad.

In each issue, award-winning Cricket sponsors a different and unique writing or art competition, with hundreds of entries pouring in each time from enthusiastic Cricket readers all over the world. Winners receive recognition and a certificate, and the best entries are published in the magazine and on its Web site for children: