Kirkland hosts Sept. 29 workshop for landscapers to encourage water quality protection

Stormwater is the largest source of pollution to the Puget Sound. Each small spill or drip adds to the problem.

Stormwater is the largest source of pollution to the Puget Sound. Each small spill or drip adds to the problem. To help encourage water quality protection, the city of Kirkland seeks the help from mobile residential and commercial landscapers. The city has hired ECOSS to host an informational workshop on Sept. 29 to share easy steps to take to prevent pollution and flooding. The free workshop will be held at Heritage Hall, 203 Market Street, Kirkland, WA 98033 from 9-10 a.m. No registration is required.

In 2013, the city of Kirkland Public Works Maintenance Division cleaned debris, sediment, and leaves from more than 4,000 catch basins, over 580 manholes and 261 pipes within its storm drainage system. Nearly 100 investigations were conducted in response to prohibited discharges found in the City’s water systems. More than 6,000 miles of roadway are swept each year in Kirkland. All of these measures help to keep unwanted materials, chemicals and toxins out of Kirkland’s stormwater system to preserve water quality within city limits and beyond. Working with mobile landscapers will further the city’s water protection efforts.

Workshop participants will receive a free spill kit that contains absorbent pads that can used to clean up a liquid spill, disposal bags, gloves, goggles and grate hook and a Spill (Response) Plan which provides a template for notifying local and regional agencies should a spill occur. In appreciation for helping Kirkland, each participant will also receive a certificate of participation and a gift certificate for disposal of landscape materials.

ECOSS is a non-profit organization that provides environmental resources and technical assistance to businesses and communities. For more information about ECOSS, visit For more about the city’s water quality programs, go to