Grigsby to step down as Kirkland’s Public Works director

Kirkland’s Public Works Director Daryl Grigsby announced Jan. 19 his acceptance of a position with the City of Pomona, Calif. as its Public Works Director. As Kirkland’s director, Grigsby managed operations, maintenance, engineering and construction for streets, traffic, water distribution, wastewater collection, surface water, solid waste, fleet, facilities and public grounds. His duties with Pomona are similar. Grigsby leaves Kirkland on Feb. 5.

Since being hired by Kirkland in 2005, Grigsby led the department’s efforts to create its first strategic plan, including a 20-year vision statement, mission statement and values. He is proud of the work he led to develop Kirkland’s award-winning pedestrian safety program and recycling programs that attained the highest single-family recycling rate in King County.

In announcing his departure to fellow employees, Grigsby stated, “This is a difficult decision – for of all the jobs I have held over the last 31 years, this, by far, is the best.”

Grigsby accepted the position to be closer to several family members. Prior to Kirkland, Grigsby worked for King County, Department of Natural Resources and the City of Seattle, Department of Transportation. In his early career, he held positions with the City of San Diego, Calif.

Grigsby was the recipient of the national 2009 “Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year” award from the American Public Works Association (APWA). He also received APWA’s 2008 Roy Morse Award for outstanding professional and technical accomplishments in the field of public works. He has served on several local and national committees. Most recently, he is a member of APWA’s Board of Directors, Washington State Department of Transportation’s School Walk Route and Student Pedestrian Safety Committee and the Association of Washington Cities Legislative Subcommittee on Quality Infrastructure for Safety and Development.