Pet adoption a win-win for family and pet

Rosie was a runaway, then a throwaway, then an afterthought. She was a lucky happenstance, and has become a treasure. As a family with an only child, it made sense to add a dog to our household. After researching breeds, we decided a beagle would suit our lifestyle and commitment level, so our next step was to decide whether to adopt a pet or seek out a puppy so we would not miss out on the cute stuff.

Rosie was a runaway, then a throwaway, then an afterthought. She was a lucky happenstance, and has become a treasure.
As a family with an only child, it made sense to add a dog to our household. After researching breeds, we decided a beagle would suit our lifestyle and commitment level, so our next step was to decide whether to adopt a pet or seek out a puppy so we would not miss out on the cute stuff.
Of course, the cute phase is also a messy phase, with a huge commitment of time and effort for housebreaking and training. With an adopted dog, we could skip that phase, and there was the added benefit that we would be providing a home for a pet that, for whatever reason, was homeless and in need.
Searching online for beagles, we found Sheena that looked like she would fit our family. We contacted Save-A-Dog, a fostering organization that had rescued a number of dogs from a kill shelter in West Virginia, and learned of an upcoming meet and greet at the local pet store. We arrived on the appointed day and as the van drove up, pandemonium ensued. As we looked for Sheena, Rosie found her way to us as she sought a quiet safe place. She was timid and scared, and I couldn’t resist comforting her. She peed on the floor out of abject fear and it was love at first sight! As my husband and daughter cleaned up the pee spot, we continued to bond with her well away from the brouhaha.
We knew Rosie was meant to be our dog but there was another lady who wanted her. She explained that she was looking for a second dog as company for a dog she had at home. She earnestly tried to counsel my young daughter explaining that she should not get her hopes up.
Nonetheless, we filled out paperwork and waited to hear from the adoption organization. After a few days, the call came to arrange an in-home interview. Clearly, they were careful to adopt their rescued dogs into secure homes. They required verification of home ownership or proof of landlords’ acceptance of pets. They inspected our yard to ensure it would be safe. Then we waited a few more days while the fostering group determined which home Rosie would go to. She came to us. Rosie is such a sweetie, but part of her sweetness is her need for acceptance as she is. She is insecure and we make every effort to give her lots of love and sufficient routine so she can feel more secure within her world. We believe the fostering organization made the right choice for Rosie – they certainly made the right choice for us!
Rosie’s adoption led to many new and great things. Most recently, she became the inspiration for Scampers Daycamp for Dogs in Totem Lake, where she spends her days with family and friends.
For information on local pet adoption, visit Homeward Pet Adoption Center ( in Woodinville, The Seattle Humane Society ( in Bellevue, or

Stina Hughes is a partner for Scampers Daycamp for Dogs in Kirkland. Contact her at or call 425-821-9100.