How much do you do know about water?

Water, water everywhere. How much do you know about what’s in that bottle? Here’s a quiz to find out.

Water, water everywhere. How much do you know about what’s in that bottle? Here’s a quiz to find out.

1. Artesian water is a type of well water collected without pumping.

True or false?

2. The difference between well water and artesian water is that well water is mechanically pumped to the surface.

True or false?

3. If water is labeled as drinking water, it is right out of the ground.

True or false?

4. Mineral water is water that has minerals added.

True or false?

5. Purified water is more pure than tap water.

True or false?

6. Distilled water is a type of purified water.

True or false?

7. Sparkling water has carbon dioxide added.

True or false?

8. Seltzer, tonic water and club soda are considered soft drinks, not sparkling water.

True or false?

9. Spring water is from an underground spring.

True or false?

Answers: 1. True; 2. True; 3. False. It must meet government standards and go through filtration and disinfection. 4. False. The minerals must be naturally present, not added. 5. False. It has been processed to remove minerals and solids, but that doesn’t mean it is any better for you than tap water. 6. True. It has been evaporated to steam, then recondensed to remove minerals. 7. True, but it can also be naturally carbonated. 8. True; 9. True.

Source: “American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide; Revised & Updated 3rd Edition,” by Roberta Larson Duyff (John Wiley & Sons Inc., $24.95, 676 pages).